The majority of cell-surface receptor is ( ).
- How a cell reacts to a signal depends on the set of intracellular signaling molecules each cell-surface receptor produces and how these molecules alter the activity of effector proteins, which have a direct effect on the behavior of the target cell.
- Communication between cells is mediated by cell signaling molecules and ( ). A: Cell receptor B: Antibody C: Enzyme D: Electric signal
- GABA acts on the presynaptic GABAa receptor making the cell membranes hyperpolarization to inhibit the conduction of nerve.
- 构成胃黏膜上皮的细胞是<br/>() A: chief<br/>cell(zymogenic cell) B: parietal cell(oxyntic cell) C: mucous<br/>neck cell D: surface<br/>mucous cell E: Paneth<br/>cell
- Researchers have suggested that a foreign sugar molecule on a cell surface might stimulate the _________ to destroy it.