• 2021-04-14
    Exposure to high-pitched noise results in more errors than exposure to low-pitched noise
  • None of the above


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      After noise is generated, what can be done to reduce human exposure to noise according to the second paragraph A: Replacing noisy products. B: Moving people out of the noisy place. C: Setting up laws to keep from getting worse. D: Using sources to reduce noise.

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      Random Errors are unpredictable. These errors are further classified into ( ). ( ). ( ). A: Instrument noise errors B: Switch repeatability errors C: Connector repeatability errors D: Drift errors

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      A net inflow in one currency and a net outflow of about the same amount in another currency that are highly positively correlated with the former results in low exchange rate risk exposure for an MNC.

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      Which pattern is adopted in the following paragraph: Evidence clearly indicates that high levels of noise are harmful to human well-being, and noise-pollution needs to be controlled. This is particularly relevant in the industrial sector. Industrial noise pollution affects people in various ways. It causes... Perhaps more importantly, industrial noise causes...

    • 4

      Noise includes: ____________ noise, ____________ noise, ____________noise and ____________noise.