• 2021-04-14
    “To parrot adult's words is an important...”中,动词parrot的构词方法是什么?
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      Parrot refers to a person who chatters idly.

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      In the reproduction phase, for some words not clearly heard, or temporarily unable to interpret, especially some professional words, the interpreter can imitate the original pronunciation, and read it out. This coping tactic is called parrot _________.

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      What are the qualities of a good language teacher according to Parrot(1993)?

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      中国大学MOOC: In the reproduction phase, for some words not clearly heard, or temporarily unable to interpret, especially some professional words, the interpreter can imitate the original pronunciation, and read it out. This coping tactic is called parrot _________.

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      put a ___________ on his right shoulder(1.0) A: freshman B: parrot C: illuminate D: bright