你的最终用户形象的重要副产品是“反用户形象” -当你专注于一个特定的市场,你放弃的那些终端用户。The important by-product of profiling your persona is the understanding you develop about the "Anti-Persona" – the target end user you deselect from your pursuit, while you focus on one specific market. 讨论Discuss
- 你的最终用户形象的重要副产品是“反用户形象” -当你专注于一个特定的市场,你放弃...ic market. 讨论Discuss
- When you are asked questions about your strengths “What are your strengths?”, it's important to discuss attributes that will qualify you for the specific job and set you apart from the other candidates. A: 正确 B: 错误
- 你应该专注于你的学习。 A: You should treat your studies carefully. B: You should concentrate on your studies. C: You should concentrate to your studies. D: You should think about your studies.
- 专注于终端用户形象也可以使你和你的团队:Focusing on the End ...ou and your team to:
- Today, nearly every market is a niche market, so if you ignore the potential for your product to specific customers’ needs, you will lose the major part of your .