你的最终用户形象的重要副产品是“反用户形象” -当你专注于一个特定的市场,你放弃的那些终端用户。The important by-product of profiling your persona is the understanding you develop about the "Anti-Persona" – the target end user you deselect from your pursuit, while you focus on one specific market. 讨论Discuss
你的最终用户形象的重要副产品是“反用户形象” -当你专注于一个特定的市场,你放弃的那些终端用户。The important by-product of profiling your persona is the understanding you develop about the "Anti-Persona" – the target end user you deselect from your pursuit, while you focus on one specific market. 讨论Discuss
概念题:反歧视政策( anti discrimination policies)
概念题:反歧视政策( anti discrimination policies)
The persona "I" in The Canterbury Tales is also one of the pilgrims.( )
The persona "I" in The Canterbury Tales is also one of the pilgrims.( )
Which of the following is a prefix? A: –sur B: –tion C: -anti D: -tri
Which of the following is a prefix? A: –sur B: –tion C: -anti D: -tri
What are the synonyms of speaker? A: theme B: persona C: narrator D: character
What are the synonyms of speaker? A: theme B: persona C: narrator D: character
What does "anti" mean as a prefix? A: opposed to; against B: again C: across; beyond
What does "anti" mean as a prefix? A: opposed to; against B: again C: across; beyond
以下( )不是杀毒软件。 A: 瑞星 B: Word C: Norton Anti Virs D: 金山毒霸
以下( )不是杀毒软件。 A: 瑞星 B: Word C: Norton Anti Virs D: 金山毒霸
What is a Persona in the context of this course? 什么是本课程提到的人物画像?
What is a Persona in the context of this course? 什么是本课程提到的人物画像?