• 2021-04-14
    Cultural legacy is ______, unique and irreplaceable.
  • priceless


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      The year designation by 12 Heavenly Stems and 10 Earthly Branches demonstrates the unique cultural characteristics of China.

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      What are the causes of cultural differences in two languages? A: Unique cultural elements B: Different motivations behind naming things C: different language systems D: Different ways of thinking and perception

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      The year designation by 12 Heavenly Stems and 10 Earthly Branches also demonstrates the unique cultural characteristics. A: 正确 B: 错误

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      长城既是历史文化古迹,也是独一无二的自然景观。 A: The Great Wall is cultural relic and the only landscape without the second one. B: The Great Wall is cultural relic and unique natural landscape. C: / D: /

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      After visiting this place, he _______ deeply impressed by the unique historical and cultural value of this area. A: has been B: was C: is D: had been