• 2021-04-14
    People need to take a few important steps to make a truly heartfelt apology effective. People need to take a few important steps to make a truly heartfelt apology effective. People need to take a few important steps to make a truly heartfelt apology effective.
  • 内容

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      Which one is the right way to combine the following sentences?" You need to describe the steps that people can follow."" You need to offer some examples in the process." A: You need to describe the steps that people can follow, and, in the process, offering some examples. B: You need to describe the steps that people can follow and, in the process, offer some examples. C: You need to describe the steps that people can follow and, in the process, you offer some examples.

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      People need _______to get the most effective results.

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      英译中:I now take a more active role, aiming to make meetings more effective.

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      In order to make an effective presentation, we need to analyse the audience.

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      The most effective people never change from one situation to another.The most effective people here means or refers to those __________________. A: who make the worst impression on people B: who make the least impression on people C: who make the best impression on people D: who make negative impression on people