• 2021-04-14
    One woman thinks because we communicate a lotmore than ever before, people do not feel isolated.
  • 内容

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      "people see the barriers eliminated"means: A: that it is easier for people to do things than it was before B: that it is harder for people to do things than it was before C: that there is no difference in the way people do things

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      Business communication has become more challenging than ever before, because of ( )

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      People are now living longer than ever before for many different reasons._

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      Why are we more likely to tell more of our friends about unsatisfied experiences with a business than satisfied ones() A: Because we aren"t inclined to have a negative feeling. B: Because we often feel negative emotions more intensely. C: Because we seem to feel more intensely. D: Because we often hear people express their negative emotions.

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      Why do symbols provide a flexible way for people to communicate even very complex thoughts with each other A: Because they are easy to understand. B: Because they are invented by mankind. C: Because one symbol can stand for many different ideas, feelings, or values. D: Because people have the capacity at birth to construct, understand, and communicate through symbols, primarily by using language.