细胞程序化死亡(programmed cell death,PCD)
- 当细胞受到外界的损伤或者是自身身体感觉到不适的时候,就会启动一种自杀的程序。这种程序被称之为细胞程序性死亡——PCD(Program Cell Death),这种细胞程序性的死亡保证了我们正常细胞的生命活力。
- 中国大学MOOC: The programmed cell death that separates the digits is dependent upon which signaling pathway?
- 试从细胞程序化死亡(PCD)的角度,阐述导管分子的发育。
- which one of the followings did not win Nobel Prize ? A: Programmed cell death B: Regulation of cell cycle C: telomere and telomerase D: RNA interference E: cell necrosis
- The programmed cell death that separates the digits is dependent upon which signaling pathway? A: BMP B: FGF C: Shh D: Wnt