A: Agricultural & Environmental Science Database
B: Food Science Technology Abstracts Database
C: Biological Science Database
D: SciFinder Scholar
A: Agricultural & Environmental Science Database
B: Food Science Technology Abstracts Database
C: Biological Science Database
D: SciFinder Scholar
- 下列数据库中收录有食品营养类文献的数据库有哪些? A: Food Science and Technology Abstract B: CAB Abstracts C: BIOSIS Previews D: SciFinder
- 下列外文数据库中哪个有全文? A: Science Direct数据库 B: SciFinder C: ProQuest Biology Journals(PBJ) D: CABI
- What database only show the abstract, the title and keywords of each article rather than the full text? A: ScienceDirect B: SpringerLink C: Web of Science D: EBSCO database
- A scientist being interested in adding to our general knowledge about oxygen would probably call his approach ______. A: applied science B: environmental science C: pure science D: agricultural science
- Web of Science平台的哪些数据库可以检索会议文献? A: CAB Abstracts B: Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH). C: Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science (CPCI-S) D: Derwent World Patent Index