• 2021-04-14
    What are the common methods that professors use to assess students' academic performance?
  • Written assignments Presentations Laboratory or studio work Class attendance Class participation End-of-semester examinations


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      What are the common problems for university students in choosing a topic? A: Either too general or too specific B: Lack of academic significance C: Not related to the major taken D: Brainstorm a topic

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      In Europe, what do many students think their academic success depends on?

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      In which respect does the students’ organizations seem to be effective A: Dealing with academic affairs of the university. B: Ensuring that the students observe university regulations. C: Evaluating students’ performance in their study. D: Keeping up the students’ enthusiasm for social activities.

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      According to the video, the college students usually use their common gestures from time to time except for ____________.

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      The student organizations seem to be effective in ___________ A: ensuring that the students observe university regulations B: dealing with the academic affairs of the university C: evaluating students’ performance by bringing them before a court D: keeping up the students’ enthusiasm for social activities