• 2021-04-14
    (换床之后), I would fall asleep quickly.

  • After changing the bed


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      By the time I arrive tomorrow, my family ______. A: fall asleep B: fell asleep C: have fallen asleep D: will have fallen asleep

    • 1

      I have to take a sleeping pill,______ I can not fall asleep easily.

    • 2

      Don't drink coffee before going to bed, or you____easily. A: don't fall asleep B: won't fall asleep C: didn't fall asleep D: haven't fallen asleep

    • 3

      According to Priestley, Cromwell and Napoleon could fall asleep easily because of their ______.

    • 4

      As soon as the children were _____, their mother got them out of bed and into the bathroom. Asleep fall asleep A: woke B: waken C: wake D: awake