• 2022-06-06
    A. Complete the following sentences based on the given Chinese.1. There are two men ___________(名叫王明) in our office.2. He often ___________(把钥匙忘在家里).3. ___________(换床之后), I would fall asleep quickly.4. The homework the teacher assigned will ___________(花去他至少两个小时).5. Just ___________(就在这时), a red car appeared from nowhere.
  • called Wang Ming# leaves his keys at home# After changing the bed# take him at least two hours# at this moment


    • 0

      Complete the following sentences based on the information given in Chinese.1. My question is ________ . (我们如何才能按时完成任务).

    • 1

      A. Complete the following sentences based on the given Chinese.1. The teacher told a story ____________________(在上一堂课结束时).2. What have you ____________________(给我们带来) this time?3. He ____________________(将眼镜掉落) on the ground.4. How much did you ____________________(为这台电脑支付钱)?5. Learning how to use the Internet will be ____________________(对你十分有益).

    • 2

      There are two men (名叫王明) in our office.

    • 3

      A. Complete the following sentences based on the given Chinese.1. I wonder if I could have ___________(足够的篇幅详细描述这一经历).2. Notices painted on sheets ___________(挂在每一个入口处).3. He spoke so fast that we ___________(听不懂他说的话).4. After discussion with my parents, I ___________(决定去上海找工作).5. After the meeting, the ___________(公司的头头们) played golf for fun.

    • 4

      Complete the following sentences based on the given Chinese.