• 2021-04-14
    The introduction part gives details to support the central idea.
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      In an English paragraph the sentence representing the central idea is referred to as ______ and often located at the initial part of the paragraph.

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      What should be involved in the introduction part?( ) A: Details B: A general trend C: Some data D: A general statement

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      Which of the following is NOT included in the preparation outline?( ) A: the introduction, body and conclusion B: pauses and loudness of your voice C: the title, specific purpose and central idea

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      Part 1 Main idea: __________________________________________________________________________________________. Part 2 Main idea: __________________________________________________________________________________________. Part 3 Main idea: __________________________________________________________________________________________.

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      Review the following topic sentences for central paragraphs and find out their transition, reminder, and main idea. A further disadvantage is the traffic problems that they cause in many cities and towns of the world.Transition: ___________________ Reminder: ___________________ Main idea: ___________________