• 2021-04-14
    Dionysus was Zeus’ son by ______, a mortal woman, daughter of Cadmus, founder of Thebes.
  • Semele


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      ________ was a son of Zeus and Hera A: Apollo B: Dionysus C: Hephaestus D: Hermes

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      Heracles was the son of Zeus and ______, who was the daughter of the king of Mycenae.

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      Helen, the most beautiful mortal woman to have ever existed, was born of mortal Leda, after Zeus seduced her in the form of a (  ).

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      Helen, the most beautiful mortal woman to have ever existed, was born of mortal Leda, after Zeus seduced her in the form of a ( ). A: Eagle B: Caw C: Swan D: Rain

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      Dionysus, the god of ( ) and ecstasy, was born of the mortal princess Semele.