译文:To achieve success, many people become workaholics, but ignore their family.
译文:To achieve success, many people become workaholics, but ignore their family.
- 为了追求成功,很多人都变成了工作狂,却忽视了家族。译文:To achieve ...ignore their family.
- 为了追求成功,很多人都变成了工作狂,却忽视了家族。 译文
- 体为了追求成功,很多人都变成了工作狂,却忽视了家族。体译文:Toachievesuccess,manypeoplebecomeworkaholics,butignoretheirfamily.
- According to the author, () good proficiency at pronouncing foreign languages. A: many people fail to achieve B: many students can attain C: most teachers ignore D: most teachers have
- 1) Why do most people fail to achieve success in the end?