中国大学MOOC: English news headlines are usually multi-deck, while Chinese news headlines are often single-deck.
- 中国大学MOOC: English headlines are usually a skeleton of the news, keeping only the most essential information, while Chinese headlines tend to be a mini-story in capsule form.
- 中国大学MOOC: In English news headlines, function words such as articles, linking verbs, auxiliary verbs and conjunctions are often omitted.
- 中国大学MOOC: Three kinds of verb tenses are frequently used in English news headlines: present tense, future tense and present perfect tense.
- The use of midget words and abbreviations can help to make news headlines shorter.
- 中国大学MOOC: What kind of news is often the hard news?
- 0
Robots are making headlines this week with the news a Chinese inventor has created two machines that look just like human beings. A: which B: who C: whom D: that
- 1
What are usually stressed in English news broadcasting?
- 2
中国大学MOOC: Which of the following headlines is giving a future event?
- 3
What will listeners probably hear next A: An interview with an industry expert B: A special in-depth report C: Other news headlines D: An advertisement for an organization
- 4
Broadcasting and films were the same in that they both______. A: used headlines B: communicated news C: did without writing D: advertised through newspapers and magazines