• 2021-04-14
    Placenta barrier (placenta membrane)
  • 即胎盘屏障(胎盘膜),胎儿血液与母体血液在胎盘内进行物质交换所经过的结构,称胎盘屏障,又称胎盘膜。结构组成:绒毛内的毛细血管内皮及基膜、绒毛内结缔组织、细胞滋养层及其基膜、合体滋养层。至胎儿发育后期,胎盘屏障仅由毛细血管内皮、合体滋养层以及两者之间的基膜组成。


    • 0

      Which one is the structure that nourishes the developing fetus? A: mammary gland B: placenta C: cervix D: follicle

    • 1

      Following<br/>glands are mixed endocrine glands, except () A: thyroid B: pancreas C: ovaries D: placenta

    • 2

      Which of the following best describes the placental components of dizygotic twins?? ;One placenta,two amniotic sacs,two chorions|Two placentas,two amniotic sacs,one chorion|One placenta,two amniotic sacs,one chorion|Two placentas,two amniotic sacs,two chorions

    • 3

      Risk factors for preeclampsia do not include: A: Age>;40 B: diabetes C: history of preclampsia D: placenta previa

    • 4

      Hormones in the urine of pregnant women that are closely related to the function of the fetal placenta are: A: ketone B: progesterone C: Testosterone D: estriol