• 2021-04-14
    The waterplane area is described as the intersection of the surface of the water in which a vessel floats and the().
  • C


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      If the needle floats the water instead of sinking, it proves the girl is a skilled embroiderer.

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      As the displacement of a vessel increases,the detrimental effect of free surface().

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      In the popular cultural iceberg metaphor, you can only see about 10-15% above the surface, most part of the iceberg is under the water, which is a bit of a mystery. Which of the following do you think are above the water?

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      During the crushing process, which one is the effective energy consumption? A: Heat B: Noise C: Increase surface area D: Vibrate

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      中国大学MOOC: If the needle floats the water instead of sinking, it proves the girl is a skilled embroiderer.