• 2022-10-27
    ‎The content of an invitation letter usually includes ___________.‎
    A: introducing oneself
    B: sending invitation
    C: introducing the event and relevant details
    D: expressing a strong wish that the invitee can accept the invitation
  • A,B,C,D


    • 0

      In responses to invitation letters, the following are usually included except for___. A: restating the main content of the invitation B: expressing inquires for the conference submission deadline C: expressing acceptance or declination of the invitation D: expressing good wishes for the conference

    • 1

      The content of an invitation letter usually include ___________. </p></p>

    • 2

      If it’s a RSVP with email in the invitation, you may accept or decline the invitation __________ by sending an email._

    • 3

      If you accept the invitation, the content of your letter of acceptance should include _______________. </p></p>

    • 4

      ‌If it’s a RSVP with email in the invitation, you may accept or decline the invitation __________ by sending an email.​‌​ A: electively B: selectively C: electronically D: electrically