• 2021-04-14
  • Our study links human-specific sialic acid changes to insulin and glucose metabolism ; therefore, opens up a new perspective in understanding the causes of diabetes.


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      【单选题】A sudden noise made all the birds in the tree fly ­­________. A. in all direction B. in the directions C. in all directions D. to all directions

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      When a consumer spends less time enjoying leisure and more time working, she has ? higher income and therefore cannot afford more consumption.|higher income and therefore can afford more consumption.|lower income and therefore cannot afford more consumption.|lower income and therefore can afford more consumption.

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      PartI.ListeningComprehension Directions:Thispartistotestyourlisteningability.Itconsistsof3sections. SectionA(8points) Directions:Thissectionistotestyourabilitytogiveproperresponses.Thereare4recordedquestionsinit.Aftereachquestion,thereisapause.Thequestionswillbespokentwotimes.Whenyouhearaquestion,youshoulddecideonthecorrectanswerfromthe4choicesmarkedA,B,CandD.

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      (It) is because she is (too) inexperienced (therefore) she does not know (how) to deal with the situation.() A: It B: too C: therefore D: how

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