Which of the following is part of the Alibaba Cloud IoT platform device management service content
A: Life cycle
B: Object model
C: data storage
D: Online debugging
A: Life cycle
B: Object model
C: data storage
D: Online debugging
- What kind of IoT operating system does AliOS Things belong to? A: OS platform specially developed for IoT applications B: Based on embedded OS, expand the OS platform supporting IoT applications C: From the cloud layout, expand the OS platform supporting IoT applications D: OS platform based on hardware device design
- Once loaded, which is not the operating system’s tasks<br/>____ A: APP management B: Memory management C: Device management D: Storage management
- Which of the following does not belong to cloud computing or cloud<br/>storage() A: Ali Cloud B: Baidu Cloud C: Vipshop D: iCloud
- The birth of smart cities is based on the rapid developments achieved in Internet communication. Which of the following statement is NOT included of the developments? A: social media B: data explosion C: cloud computing D: IoT application
- After creating a device on Alibaba Cloud, how to activate the device? A: Set activation B: A device containing triples runs once C: Request manager settings D: