请听以下5段录音,回答1-5题,每段录音播放两遍。 Question1
A: Wonderful.
B: Here you are.
C: Thank you.
D: I will take one.
A: Wonderful.
B: Here you are.
C: Thank you.
D: I will take one.
- A) Thank you. C) Wonderful. B) Here you are. D) I’ll take one.
- 请听以下5段录音,回答1-5题,每段录音播放两遍。Question1 A: Don't mention it. B: Not at all. C: It's lovely. D: All right.
- 请听以下5段录音,回答6-10题,每段录音播放两遍。Question 6 A: Tea and silk. B: Local food. C: Historic figures. D: Ceramics
- 请听录音,回答13-15题,录音播放两遍。Question 13 A: IT engineer. B: Sales manager. C: Computer programmer. D: Office secretary.
- 请听录音,回答13-15题,录音播放两遍。Question13 A: In the supermarket. B: In the hospital. C: In the restaurant. D: At the airport.