• 2021-04-14
    It's not a good choice to ________ these products at such high costs.
  • purchase


    • 0

      High technology is characterized by ______. A: economics of scale and high costs and high risks B: low costs and high profits C: much investment

    • 1

      Opportunity costs should be considered in the project even if they are not out-of-pocket costs. ( )

    • 2

      Accident-based maintenance leads to high maintenance costs.

    • 3

      下列程序输出的结果是:( ) s="test,great,good,high"a=s.split(',')print(a[1]) A: great B: good C: test D: high

    • 4

      According to the male interviewee Alexander Farmer, counterfeit products are usually of ________. A: low quality B: reasonble price C: good source D: high reputation