• 2021-04-14
    When you are going to listen to a passag...ould you do firstly?
  • Circle the key words


    • 0

      Have you decided when _____ for London? A: will you leave B: you will leave C: are you going D: you are going

    • 1

      Paul: ______ going to go? Ana: At 12:30. I'm going to meet Chris there. A: When you are B: When are you C: When will you

    • 2

      If you are going to listen to an accident, what questions you may ask before listening?

    • 3

      ____ you ____ a doctor when you grow up? A: Will, going to be B: Are, going to be C: Are, / D: Will, be

    • 4

      I'm not going to tell you ________________. A: what should you do B: what you should do