• 2021-04-14
    reached its greatest glory in the 16th c... mosques were built.
  • The Ottoman Empire


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      Museums were built with the profits. They were built with the ____. A: benefits B: earnings C: winnings D: excesses

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      A big market _____ in our city last year. A: is built B: built C: were built D: was built

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      A lot of tall buildings ________in our city last year. A: are built B: were built C: was built D: can be built

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      When was this town built A: In the 13th century, B: In the 14th century. C: In the 15th century. D: In the 16th century.

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      when was it built? A: In the 13th century. B: In the 14th century. C: In the 13th or 14th century. D: In the 16th century.