• 2021-04-14
    There is consensus among fashion editors that there is a precise relation, with only a few exceptions, between the length of women’s skirts and the economy.
  • 时尚编辑们一致认为:除了个别情况外,女性裙子的长度和经济之间有着密切的联系。


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      There is a situation in the market economy: the government does not<br/>intervene in the economy at all, this kind of economy is called ( ) A: Weak economy. B: Completely free market economy. C: The government does not intervene in the economy. D: Mixed economy.

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      The _______ between the two playing periods of a football game is only a few minutes.

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      Coco Chanel's quote “Fashion passes but style remains” _____. A: means fashion needs to be replaced by something new every year B: distinguishes between fashion, which is temporary, and style, which lasts longer C: promotes clothes accessible to women D: means the same in English as in French

    • 3

      The economy of is the ___ largest national economy in the world and is the world’s second largest developed economy.( ). A: third B: first C: last D: second

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      There's only ______ milk in the glass. A: a few B: a little C: few