补充完整SQL语句,完成要求:声明了两个变量variable1和variable2,数据类型分别为int和datetime。 DECLARE ____ int, @variable2 datetime
- 下列语法格式中用于定义变量的正确语法格式的是() A: VARIABLE变量名:数据类型=初始值 B: VARIABLE变量名:数据类型:=初始值 C: VARIABLE变量名:数据类型<=初始值
- The complement of a variable is always一个变量的反变量总是 A: 0 B: 1 C: equal to the variable等于这个变量 D: the inverse of the variable等于这个变量的反
- 以下给变量赋值的方法中,在bash下合理的有() A: variable=thisisatestedip B: variable="thisisatestedip" C: variable=’thisisatestedip’ D: variable=this\is\a\tested\ip
- Use the following code to answer the following questions: int id = 0; cout [< "ID: "; cin ]> id; if (id == 1) cout << "Janet"; else if (id == 2 || id == 3) cout << "Mark"; else if (id == 4) cout << "Jerry"; else cout << "Sue"; (1) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 2? (2) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 4? (3) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 3? (4) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 8
- SQL Server中可以存储数值类型整数的数据类型是: A: Int B: decimal C: datetime D: float