• 2021-04-14
    SHANGHAI — China’s two (1) ___________search engine operators, Baidu and Sogou, were fined on Thursday for their negligence in publishing unchecked advertising for unlicensed medical services and private companies. The fines were issued by the Shanghai Industrial and Commercial Bureau on charges of publishing false and (2)_______ advertisements. Baidu was fined 28,000 yuan (about $4,000) as it linked (3)___________ ads of private hospital groups with certain keyword (4) ___________, which pointed to medical services that the hospitals are not qualified for. The hospitals were also given fines of up to 46,000 yuan. Sogou was fined 10,300 yuan for carrying an advertisement containing false messages and for a company whose business license had been (5) _________.
  • leadingillegalcommercialsearchesrevoked


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      If the companies are found guilty in the investigation, they will be fined up to ____________ dollars.

    • 1

      He wanted to escape ______ when the police came to him. A: having been fined B: being fined C: to have been fined D: to be fined

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      The greatest advances in literature in Yuan Dynasty were in the forms of theatre and opera.

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      8.它们的创作时间均处于元末明初至清代期间。( ) A: They were all written during the period from the late Yuan and early Ming dynastiesto the Qing Dynasty. B: They were recorded during the period from the Yuan and early Ming dynasties to theQing Dynasty. C: They were recorded during the period from the late Yuan and Ming dynasties to the Qing Dynasty. D: They were all written during the period from the Yuan and Ming dynasties to the Qing Dynasty.

    • 4

      Mark often attempts to escape _______ whenever he breaks traffic regulations. A. having been fined B. to have been fined C. being fined D. to be fined A: B: C: D: