关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 公告:维护QQ群:833371870,欢迎加入!公告:维护QQ群:833371870,欢迎加入!公告:维护QQ群:833371870,欢迎加入! 2021-04-14 What are the points of agreement and disagreement?意思是:赞成和反对的要点是什么? What are the points of agreement and disagreement?意思是:赞成和反对的要点是什么? 答案: 查看 举一反三 What are the points of agreement and disagreement? 意思是 什么是情商?简要说明赞成和反对情商的理由: 《拿来主义》这一篇文章主要赞成什么观点?反对什么观点? In source-based writing, we need to decide the points of agreement and disagreement. “赞成”和“反对”是绝对反义词。