When companies maximizeresidual income, they are maximizing their rate of return, a percentage.
- Which of the following statements about return objectives is TRUE A: To achieve the capital appreciation objective, the nominal rate of return must exceed the rate of inflation. B: The total return objective considers returns from both capital gains and current income, net of expected inflation. C: The current income objective is usually appropriate when an investor requires the purchasing power of the initial investment to increase over time.
- Which of the following statements about return objectives is FALSE() A: To achieve the capital appreciation objective, the nominal rate of return must exceed the rate of inflation. B: The total return objective is riskier than the current income objective and less risky than the capital appreciation objective. C: To achieve the capital preservation objective, the nominal rate of return must exceed the inflation rate.
- The labor-force participation rate measures the percentage of the
- Annual percentage rate is stated interest rate.
- What is the annual percentage rate on a loan with a stated rate of 2.75 percent per quarter?