• 2021-04-14
    The contingency approach should be viewed as a process of assessing these relevant variables and then choosing the most appropriate structure for the situation.
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      Which of the following is false? ( ) A: Contingency is not a substitute for proper cost estimating B: Contingency should be included in Base Estimates in budgets, cost plans or forecasts C: An undesirable event that is highly likely to occur should be included in the Base Estimate, not in contingency D: The calculation of contingency should align with the project risk profile

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      The process of choosing/documenting the best approach to achieve the project objectives is part of: A: The scope baseline. B: Scope authorization C: Scope definition D: Scope planning. E: All of the above.

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      Video abstraction is the process of creating a presentation of __________ about a landscape or the structure of video, which should be much __________ than the original video.

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      Which of the following is NOT a man-overboard situation? A: “Immediate action” situation. B: “Quick action” situation. C: “Early action” situation. D: “Delayed action” situation.

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      Which of the following should be included in a poster? A: The title. B: Research questions. C: Materials, approach, process or methods. D: Results/conclusions.