To improve readability and mai...ues such as 3.14159.
- 中国大学MOOC: When translating Chinese idioms which are related to classical allusions that are unfamiliar to the target readers, we can use liberal translation to improve the readability for the target readers.
- 以下声明常量的语句正确的是()。 A: doublePI=3.14159; B: constdoublePI=3.14159; C: staticdoublePI=3.14159; D: staticconstdoublePI=3.14159;
- 下列宏定义命令中,哪一个格式是正确的()。 A: #definepi=3.14159; B: definepi=3.14159 C: #definepi="3.14159" D: #definepi(3.14159)
- 以下定义符号常量的语句正确的有____和____。 A: const double PI = 3.14159; B: double const PI = 3.14159; C: double PI = 3.14159; D: double pi;pi=3.14159;
- 以下两个宏定义没有区别 #define PI 3.14159; #define PI 3.14159