• 2021-04-14
    E-mail is a method of exchanging ______ messages between computer users.
  • digital


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      When an e-mail phone is being used to make phone calls, it ______. A: cannot receive new messages B: send out a signal of new messages C: cannot display e-mail messages D: automatically checks new messages

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      Dreamweaver在实际操作中有两种E-mail超链接方法,分别是()。 A: 自动换页,文字E-mail超链接 B: 文字E—mail超链接,锚点链接 C: 锚点链接,图片的E—mail超链接 D: 图片的E-mail超链接,文字E—mail超链接

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      1) One of the advantages of e-mail is that you can deal with messages _________________. 2) The annoyance of e-mail is that the ____________ to your e-mail may come in five days because e-mail is not an ________________________. 3) If you ____________ a meeting an hour later with e-mail, the chance that the participants will read the message will be pretty ____________. 4) Too many e-mail users assume that ____________ someone receives an e-mail, the person will ____________ it. 5) Remember, e-mail is not designed for immediate response; it’s designed for ____________. 6) The features of some e-mail systems can ____________ you when a person has received your e-mail and may also ____________ you when the person has read it. 7) Since there are no facial and voice ____________ to help e-mail, users have come up with something called “____________”.

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      9. Communication occurs when the sender and the receiver from different races are exchanging messages, it’s International communication.

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      Too many e-mail users assume that the minute someone receives an e-mail, the person will read it.