• 2021-04-14
    ____ time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.
  • Given


    • 0

      is the most famous Serbian tennis player.

    • 1

      He’s through to the men’s tennis for the first time.

    • 2

      It was the first time in his life. He became a boss. He was proud. He owned a book-store. A: He became a boss of a book-store for the first time in his life proudly . B: He proudly became a boss of a book-store for the first time in his life. C: He became a book-store owner for the first time in his life with proud. D: He became a book-store owner for the first time with proud.

    • 3

      He’ll be an astronaut by the time he ________ (be) thirty.

    • 4

      She is such a ____________tennis player. A: good B: well