• 2022-06-08
    We think he’ll turn _____ a top-class player.
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      Which of the following would best refuse a customer claim? A: We are sorry that we cannot give you a full refund for your DVD player. B: Because you damaged the DVD player by trying to repair it yourself, we are unable to give you a full refund. C: The damage to your DVD player is not covered by the warranty, as explained in the enclosed copy of the warranty that came with your DVD player. D: Although a full refund cannot be issued, we would be happy to repair your DVD player for a nominal fee.

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      ___________ is the top player in this football team? A: Who do you think B: Do you think whom C: Whom do you think D: Do you think whose else

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      Sometimes things don't________ the way we think they're going to.( ) A: turn in B: turn out C: turn off

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      [听力原文]M: Don’t you think Mary is the best one in our piano classW: You are the only one to say so. What can we learn from the conversation() A: Mary is the best piano player in the class. B: Mary is the only piano player in the class C: The woman thinks Mary is the best piano player in the class. D: The woman doesn’t think Mary is the best piano player in the class.

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      虽然他已是班上最好的学生,但是他仍不满足于自己的成绩。 A: Though he is already a top student in the class, he doesn’t feel happy. B: Though he is already a top student in the class, he doesn’t feel satisfied with his achievements. C: Through he is already a top student in the class, he doesn’t feel excited