- 由于Bootloader严重依赖于硬件实现,嵌入式系统中没有一个通用的Bootloader
- Bootloader仅依赖于CPU的体系结构,不依赖于具体的嵌入式板级设备配置
- Which of the following is not a feature of bootloader() A: Bootloader runs when the system is just started. B: Bootloader can do system initialization. C: Bootloader includes all functions of the application. D: Bootloader is responsible for copying the operating system kernel into memory.
- Which of the following is not a feature of bootloader( ) A: Bootloader<br/>runs when the system is just started B: Bootloader<br/>can do system initialization C: Bootloader<br/>includes all functions of the application D: Bootloader<br/>is responsible for copying the operating system kernel into memory
- 由于Bootloader的实现依赖于CPU的体系结构,因此大多数Bootloader都分为stage1和stage2两大部分。依赖于CPU体系结构的代码,比如设备初始化代码等,通常都放在stage1中,且使用___【33】____语言来实现,以达到短小精悍的目的。而stage2则通常用C语言来实现,这样可以实现更复杂的功能,而且代码会具有更好的可读性和___【34】____性。