• 2021-04-14
    F: Diego, have we received a fax from Chris at Complex Computers yet? M: We did, but it came through blurry. I called, and Chris said they were having problems with the fax machine. They’re trying to fix it.F: Mr. Ramon needs to review that document as soon as possible. It’s the new service contract for our office PCs. M: I’ll phone Chris and see how they’re doing. If the machine’s still down, I’ll have him scan and e-mail it instead. Either way, I’ll run it to Mr. Ramon’s office as soon as it arrives.What will Diego do if the fax machine is still down?
  • Ask Chris to scan the contract



    • 0

      Complete the dialogues with the words and expressions given in the box.find out if Mr. Smith could see me what can I do for you he is free thenA: Good morning. Is Mr. Smith in?B: No, I’m afraid not. But _____________ ? I’m Mrs. Smith.A: I’m calling to _______________at 3 tomorrow afternoon? I have some problems to discuss with him.B: Yes, __________________ . I’ll tell him you’ll be coming.

    • 1

      The company really needs the fax machine by tomorrow() A:  we’ve ever given before. B:  but I got nothing out of it. C:  or it will have to look elsewhere. D:  I am afraid we can go no further.

    • 2

      M: May I know your e-mail addressW: I’ll send you an e-mail, so we don’t have to do the spelling on the phone, OKM: That’s a good idea. What are the two speakers doing()。 A: Sending an e-mail. B: Doing spelling exercise. C: Chatting online. D: Talking on the phone.

    • 3

      The company really needs the fax machine by tomorrow() A: A we’ve ever given before. B: B but I got nothing out of it. C: C or it will have to look elsewhere. D: D I am afraid we can go no further.

    • 4

      I have the information ____. A: of what he’ll come soon B: that he’ll come soon C: of that he’ll come soon