• 2022-06-09
    What is the office having trouble with
    A: The office’s lighting
    B: The fax machine
    C: Their phone lines
    D: The computer system
  • C


    • 0

      The most important program on any computer is. A: Operating System B: Virus C: software D: Office 2000

    • 1

      What happened in the speaker’s office?

    • 2

      Is there a fax in your office? A: No, no copy machine. B: No, how about you? C: You are welcome. D: Yes,but it's broken.

    • 3

      This room is ______. A: the editor’s-in-chief’s office B: the editor-in-chief office C: the editor-in-chief’s office D: the editor’s-in-chief office

    • 4

      Excuse me, could you tell me _______? A: where’s the teachers’ office B: where’s the bus station C: what’s she doing D: where the post office is