• 2021-04-14
    2.Your audience is looking for a human connection, not a robot spitting words at them. Thus it’s necessary to show our emotion in delivering a speech.

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      中国大学MOOC: When your fundamental purpose in a speech is to inspire the audience, you are most likely going to be giving a(n) __________ speech.

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      Longer sentences and GRE words can show the audience our good command of English, so it should be encouraged.

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      ‏The process of organizing the body of a speech begins when_____ ​‏​ A: you determine your topic. B: you determine the main points. C: you start writing your draft. D: you practice delivering your speech.

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      Rehearsals are necessary in preparing your speech. ( )

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      The right postures of making a speech include the following except_______.( ) A: hanging your arms loosely by your side B: planting your feet widely C: looking over your audience and smiling