• 2022-06-05
    Directions: Identify the figures of speech used in the following sentences.To me a thick carpet of pine needles or soft grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug.
    A: metaphor
    B: simile
    C: personification
    D: parallelism
  • A


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      What figure of speech is used in the sentence “No wonder Knight has billions”? A: Satire B: Metaphor C: Simile D: Personification

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      "Life is a stage. Men and women are merely players."In this sentence, what is the figure of speech used? A: personification B: metaphor C: simile D: irony

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      What writing device is used in the sentence "Whenever you need me, wherever you need me, I will be there for you."? A: metaphor B: simile C: parallelism D: hyperbole

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      PartII. Identify the rhetorical device employed in each of the sentences.Some of the sentences contain more than one (no more than two) type of the devices.(每小题2分,共20分)8. Dictating his autobiography late in life, he commented with a crushing sense of despair on men's final release from earthly struggles. A: Alliteration B: Antithesis C: Hyperbole D: Euphemism E: Irony F: Metaphor G: Metonymy H: Parallelism I: Personification J: Simile K: Synecdoche

    • 4

      What kind of figure of speech is used in the sentence “More haste, less speed.”?() A: metaphor B: irony C: simile D: oxymoron