Where is the activity center for negative emotions?
A: in the amygdala
B: in the hippocampus
C: in the left prefrontal cortex
D: in the right prefrontal cortex
A: in the amygdala
B: in the hippocampus
C: in the left prefrontal cortex
D: in the right prefrontal cortex
- By referring to the limbic system, the author intends to show ________. [A] its function in our dreams [B] the mechanism of REM sleep [C] the relation of dreams to emotions [D] its difference from the prefrontal cortex
- The part in the brain that plays a role both in sleep and memory is: A: The cortex B: The thalamus C: The hypothalamus D: The hippocampus E: The brain stem
- 脑皮层运动区( ). A: cerebral motor cortex B: limbic motor cortex C: trabecular motor cortex D: cerebellar motor cortex
- 最新的Cortex内核包含多个系列,以下哪个不属于cortex内核系列()
- 下列关于transform-origin属性说法错误的有: A: 值为top left | left top 时,等价于 0 0 B: 值为left | left center | center left时, 等价于50% 0 C: 值为right | right center | center right 时,等价于 100% 50% D: 值为bottom | bottom center | center bottom 时,等价于100% 50%