• 2022-06-04
    Which is not one of the Chinese traditional pentatonic scale?
    A: Shang(商)
    B: Jue(角)
    C: Qingjue(清角)
    D: Zhi(徵)
  • C


    • 0

      五音是:() A: 宫商角徵羽 B: 宫商角徵雅 C: 宫商风徵羽 D: 宫颂角徵羽

    • 1

      ‏Chinese musical scale is a ____scale‏‏‏ A: heptatonic B: monophonic C: pentatonic D: harmony

    • 2

      古代音律分为分为五音,其前后顺序是( )。 A: 宫、羽、角、商、徵 B: 宫、商、徵、角、羽 C: 宫、商、角、徵、羽 D: 宫、羽、商、角、徵

    • 3

      Which of the following is not one of the five tones in the national pentatonic scale:( ). A: Jue-note B: Yu-note. C: Run-note D: Gong-note

    • 4

      中医里,五行的木火土金水对应五音是() A: 角徵宫羽商 B: 角徵宫商羽 C: 角徵羽宫商 D: 角羽徵宫商