• 2022-06-04
    A red and swollen nose tip with dark red skin or dilated bloodvessels around the nose, papules and pustules is called as
    A: rhinopolypus
    B: rosacea
    C: nasosinusitis
    D: allergic rhinitis
  • B


    • 0

      nose<br/>to olfactory as ear to ( ) A: beautiful B: edible C: auditory D: raspy E: allergic

    • 1

      Facial expressions around _____ can tell a lot more than you imagine. A: mouth and eyes B: eyes and nose C: nose and mouth D: mouth and cheek

    • 2

      In acute DIC bleeding may occur at multi-site, such as skin, nose, gums and so on

    • 3

      Which of the following changes is not a skin change of<br/>dermatomyositis ____? A: Skin heterochromia B: Eyelid edema type purple red spot C: Silvery white scaly red patches D: The skin calcium deposits

    • 4

      非计划机头向上 A: Scheduled nose up B: Scheduled nose down C: Unscheduled nose up D: Unscheduled nose down