INNOVATING INNOVATIONThis Book CovereD the notion of"IDeA ChAmpions. "WhAr ChArACteristiCs of Gil CloyD mAke him An iDeA ChAmpion?
- All of the following are common personality characteristics of idea champions EXCEPT ________. A: extremely high self-confidence B: persistence C: energy D: risk aversion
- According to the writer's idea, () can make people feel blue. A: hard time B: music C: history D: a history book
- For many people, the idea of the Internet seemed unbelievable at first. A: notion B: notification C: notary
- In this thing, he has no () of right and wrong. A: thought B: idea C: concept D: notion
- The author's idea is evaluated by asking about characteristics like _________. </p></p>