• 2022-06-04 问题

    WhAt Are the stAges of the sele Ction proCess? WhAr metho Ds Are use D At eACh stAge?

    WhAt Are the stAges of the sele Ction proCess? WhAr metho Ds Are use D At eACh stAge?

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    INNOVATING INNOVATIONThis Book CovereD the notion of"IDeA ChAmpions. "WhAr ChArACteristiCs of Gil CloyD mAke him An iDeA ChAmpion?

    INNOVATING INNOVATIONThis Book CovereD the notion of"IDeA ChAmpions. "WhAr ChArACteristiCs of Gil CloyD mAke him An iDeA ChAmpion?

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