• 2022-06-04
    WhAt Are the stAges of the sele Ction proCess? WhAr metho Ds Are use D At eACh stAge?
  • StAges Are:InitiAl, SuBstAntive AnD Contingent InitiAl SeleCtion. InitiAl seleCtion DeviCes Are the first informAtion AppliCAnts suBmit AnD Are useD for preliminAry"rough Cuts"to DeCiDe whether An AppliCAnt meets the BAsiC quAlifiCAtions for A joB AppliCAtion Forms. AppliCAtion forms CAn Be A gooD initiAl sCreen. They tAke very little time AnD more orgAnizAtions en CourAge AppliCAnts to suBmit An AppliCAtion online BACkgrounD CheCks. More thAn 80 perCent of employees CheCk referen Ces:however, rArely is useful informAtion gAineD SuBstAntive SeleCtion. The next formAl step is the suBstAntive seleCtion, whiCh is the heArt of the seleCtion proCess. This is useD After pAssing initiAl sCreening. A vAriety of metriCs CAn Be useD thAt in CluDe skill tests.personAlity tests, AnD other more sophistiCAteD teChniques suCh As performAnCe simulAtions Contingent SeleCtion. One finAl proCess in the hiring proCess mAy Be Drug testing


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      中国大学MOOC: __________ means the stages and steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they are someway linked with one another.

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      What are usually written on the black or white board during an academic presentation? A: Every word said B: Each stage of an experiment or process C: Complex terminology D: Precise references

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      ‌ What are usually written on the black or white board during an academic presentation? ‍ ‍‌‍ A: Every word said B: Each stage of an experiment or process C: Contact information D: Complex terminology

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      中国大学MOOC: It means the stages and the steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they are someway linked with one another.----Choose the one that best suits the description above.( )

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      The development of a team can be roughly divided into the following four stages( ) A: Formation stage B: Fluctuation stage C: Stability stage D: Maturity stage