• 2022-06-04
    —Hello! Could I speak to Mr. Li, please—______.
    A: who are you
    B: Speaking
    C: I'm Mr. Wang
  • B


    • 0

      Hello! May I speak to Jane, please?- _________ A: Speaking, please B: I'm Jane speaking C: This is Jane speaking to you D: I'm Jane

    • 1

      M: Hello, may I speak to Mr ParkW: I am sorry. Mr Park has gone to business. Mr Brown and Mr William are taking over his work during this time. You can speak to them. Who does the man want to speak to(). A: Mr William. B: Mr Park. C: Mr Brown.

    • 2

      Hello, I speak to Mr. Smith? I’m sorry. Mr. Smith is not in.

    • 3

      --Hello, I'd like to speak to Mr. Parley. --Sorry, but he's out. Could I take a __________ for you?

    • 4

      – Hello, could I speak to Don please? -() A: AWho are you B: BWho’s speaking C: CAre you Jane