• 2022-06-04
    --- Could I speak to Mr. Li, please? ---Speaking, please. ____ Mr. Li.
    A: I’m
    B: My name’s
    C: that’s
    D: This is
  • D


    • 0

      Can I speak to Mr. Wilson if he’s ________ please? A: available B: busy C: inconvenient D: worry

    • 1

      ---Hello! Could I speak to Tom, please?---. A: Oh, how are you B: I’m John C: I’m speaking D: Speaking

    • 2

      ---Hello, could i speak to Don please?---___________? A: Who are you? B: Are you Jane? C: Who's speaking?

    • 3

      Hello, may I speak to Bill please? A: Thank you B: Sorry, he’s not here. C: I’m sorry. D: My name is Jack

    • 4

      -- Hello, could I speak to John please? -- ______________ A: Who are you B: What’s the problem C: Are you Jane D: Who’s speaking