• 2022-06-04
    She gave us a detailed ___________ of the local government's new health-care proposal.
    A: impression
    B: explanation
    C: educaiton
    D: communication
  • B


    • 0

      The president gave a detailed  of his proposal at the meeting. A: explanation B: search C: balance

    • 1

      The president gave a detailed ________ of his proposal at the meeting.

    • 2

      The new government has decided to invest more to create jobs, expand education, __________ health care, and reduce taxes by adopting a series of new policies.

    • 3

      In the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, US, & Canada, the essential patient's rights include: A: access to health care & medical assistance; the receipt of reasonable care; B: power to consent to or refuse treatment; access to health care records; C: confidentiality; D: the protection of identity and information through a Data Protection Act.

    • 4

      Business proposal can be compensation proposal, investor proposal, settlement proposal, grant proposal , even a company’s merger and acquisition proposal.( )